How to choose the right industrial rugged tablet for your company?

Industrial rugged tablet PCs are an essential investment for the company. They have a range of benefits and are suitable for different industries and markets. Rugged tablets offer a specific type of versatility that no other device can. These custom rugged devices have revolutionized how we work and live our lives with increased mobility and utility. What follows is a comprehensive guide to choosing the right rugged tablet for your company.



You need to consider the type of interface your company needs.
Consumer tablets usually come with a minimal number of connectors – this could be a USB connector.
However, ruggedized tablets are often custom-made to allow any connection – especially for specific applications.
This can include wireless, analog, Ethernet, etc., connections. When you choose equipment, be sure to consider your connectivity needs.
Many laptops and PCs do not have 3G and 4G capabilities, which is critical for companies that travel on the road or frequently travel to different locations.


One of the main characteristics of rugged industrial tablets is their ruggedness. Tablets, especially industry-specific ones, are often subject to shocks, drops, and extreme weather. Therefore, you need to choose rugged equipment that can withstand harsh environments.
Many industrial rugged tablets are designed to withstand rapid temperature changes, vibrations, sudden shocks, pressure changes, and explosive environments. As a result, construction sites and other locations may be subject to these conditions.
Even retail and law enforcement require devices not to break when dropped, shaken, or exposed to water and dust.

IP rating

To choose how durable a rugged device is, you must consider the IP rating.
An IP rating for a rugged tablet is essentially a certification that a mobile device can withstand certain conditions. It stands for Ingress Protection and needs to consider when buying a rugged device.
Independent laboratories typically test IP ratings and are regularly tested for extreme conditions and environments. For example, they might submerge a rugged industrial tablet in water and dust.
The IP rating is divided into two numbers – the first number indicates the degree of protection against solids, and the second number indicates the level of protection against liquids.
For example, IP64 protection grades against splashing water, while an IP rating of IP67 allows immersion in water for 30 minutes.
IP68 if you want a protected device against immersion and water spray.
It’s also important to check other ratings or durability. For example, many Rugged Tablets indicate how high they can be dropped. They may also be military-grade if you’re looking for equipment that can withstand significant shocks or explosive environments.


Of course, it is also essential to consider the design. This is especially important for companies that may need to use specific labels or logos on all of their products – to maintain continuity and professionalism.
Industrial Rugged Tablets can be externally designed to match a specific brand’s aesthetic. This is especially important for restaurants and retail stores.
The user interface can also be customized, which helps represent your business.
It also makes it easier and more comfortable to use, especially for critical operations—often done by adding physical buttons.
Industrial rugged tablets have one significant advantage over consumer tablets – they’re designed for businesses, not individuals. As a result, they consider features that individual devices may overlook.
When choosing a rugged industrial tablet, always make sure the design (exterior and interior) is suitable for you and your company’s specific needs.

custom software

Most of the tablets you use every day run on Android Windows or IOS operating systems.
Rugged tablets can use open-source operating systems used by the rest of your company. For obvious reasons, it’s essential to consider this when choosing a rugged device—whether it’ll run an operating system in line with the rest of the company.

Technical Specifications

Before choosing a rugged industrial tablet, it is crucial to evaluate its technical specifications and device performance.
Always check specific facts and figures about rugged equipment and ensure it meets all your company’s particular needs.
For example, some rugged tablets come with specific features that may prove useless or unnecessary in your particular instance. At the same time, others may include features and specifications that can help you make huge strides.

Long-term Supply

Industrial rugged tablet PCs have a longer lifespan than consumer-grade devices. They often run for five or even ten years.
It may seem like magic, but you need to make sure that critical components are also available during this time. For example, processors, display sensors, and wireless modules must all have supply chain stability.
Redesigns can prove costly and time-consuming if these components are unavailable for long periods.
Don’t forget that the software you use should also have long-term availability and customer support.


Although the total cost of ownership for rugged industrial tablets has proven lower, price still matters, especially for companies sticking to a specific budget.
When choosing a rugged device, you need to find a healthy balance between finding an affordable appliance and giving your company everything it needs.
Different models and suppliers offer different prices. Lower costs generally indicate a minimal design process, while higher costs may have more complex engineering.
Again, it depends on your specific needs.


When choosing a rugged industrial tablet, you must consider how long you will use it. For example, does it have to do the entire shift at once, or is it mostly strapped to the charging cradle?
If the former is the answer, you’ll want to keep an eye out for a solid device with an impressive battery.
If the latter applies to you, the battery might not even be a consideration for you.
Most rugged devices have impressive batteries that don’t even compare to consumer devices that typically only last an hour or two.


For some people, only a basic level of security may be required. For example, you may only have various designs and drawings for building on a rugged industrial tablet.
However, for the vast majority of businesses, security is critical therefore, you want to make sure your rugged tablet takes steps to minimize the risk of hacking.
Law enforcement, health, and education must take safety seriously. For this reason, you want to make sure your device is from a trusted manufacturer and has features that minimize the possibility of hacking.
The world of technology is a daunting one – but with particular walls and safety measures in place, you can sit back and relax.
As we mentioned, rugged devices are usually designed for businesses. This means they are more concerned about security.


You need a device that can do everything you want it to do without the risk of lag or freezing.
Make sure the rugged tablet you consider is compatible with all your apps, software, and accessories.
Downloading various applications or adding functionality to the device should not affect its performance. Always make sure it’s compatible.

Warranty and Customer Support

Lastly, always make sure you’re getting a good deal – on a human level. Although Rugged Tablets have been shown to last longer and require far less maintenance, problems can still occur.
When these issues arise, you want to ensure you have a good warranty or customer support to help you through the process.

We recommend buying from trusted suppliers and constantly checking reviews. The warranty should always be clearly stated as well.
Always prepare for the worst, even with equipment designed to withstand anything.
We hope this guide helped you find the perfect rugged tablet for your company.
This is an essential investment because they have the power to revolutionize your team and business. Here’s everything you need to consider when making this important decision for yourself and your team.


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